Tuesday, April 28, 2009

As we near the end...

If you'll notice in the sidebar, I'm down to 34 days in this pregnancy. What's fun is that that actually translates to 20 to 27 days, because the verdict from the doctor (as of last week) is that I will be induced somewhere between 38 and 39 weeks. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but I'm being induced because of my blood thinner injections. We don't want to risk me giving myself a shot and then going into labor all of a sudden with a fresh dose of heparin coursing through my body! That could obviously lead to excessive bleeding after the delivery which would not be good. They could always give me a coagulant to counteract the heparin, but that makes me just as nervous (throwing a pulmonary embolism in the middle of labor just does NOT sound like my cup of tea!). A fresh dose of heparin in my body would also mean no epidural, and while I would love to have a natural birth, I remind myself to be realistic and keep my options open. ;)

This week marks the end of the busy season for me, although Andrew still has a few more weeks to go. The final two track meets of the year are this Thursday and Friday, after which I am done. Andrew has two more weeks of LaCrosse after this week and 5 or 6 more weeks of school, but after that it's just work and the Ambulance Company. 50 hours a week might sound like a full plate to some, but to us it will practically be a vacation!

The cradle is made and finished, all of Eva's clothes are washed and tucked away, the blankets and slings and wraps are (mostly) all made, and the hospital bag is half-packed and sitting in the cradle, ready to go. I remember being very agitated by my cluttered house that I didn't have time or energy to clean after Bella's birth, so I'm working hard to keep the house spotless for when Eva is born. I don't want to come home to a messy house! Of course, my definition of "spotless" isn't literal in any sense of the word, but it's definitely an improvement. ;)

There are no doctor appointments this week, but next week starts the weekly visits. I also have my last ultrasound next week and I'm excited to see how big she's measuring (at this point, Bella's head was measuring a good 2 1/2 weeks ahead...). Eva is extremely active these days. She has been head-down for many weeks now, but she still likes to spin around and the only way I can tell which way she's facing is by feeling which side the hiccups are coming from on any given day!

I believe that's it as far as the updates go...we'll let you all know if anything changes!

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