Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another update...

I forgot to mention my ultrasound last Thursday! It was just a routine growth check, but her head is still measuring quite large (just like Bella's was) and according to her head size she was actually "due" two days ago. Her belly is measuring a little bit ahead as well, but her leg (femoral length) was a few days behind. All in all, things look good. Her head was so far down though that we couldn't get any decent pictures, but we did manage to pick out a very chubby cheek, which is exactly what I like to see.

I managed to come down with a little stomach bug yesterday (technically Monday night) that ended up being quite miserable for about 24 hours. It was a "little" stomach bug, but combined with being 37+ wks pregnant, it was quite debilitating. Fortunately, I woke up quite refreshed this morning and am now just working on eating what I can so as to regain my strength. I really don't want to go into labor while still recovering from the flu!

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