I'll start by apologizing for the lack of pictures - living here at my parents' house I forget to take as many and when I do take them, I forget to put them onto our computer so that I can post them for you all. But, Miss Eva is smiling now, so I'll get some pictures of that soon and put them up for everyone to enjoy.
Miss Eva had her 2 month check up yesterday and is weighing in at a healthy 10 lbs 11 oz which is perfectly average for her age and we are very happy about that. Bella has always been in the 25th percentile for weight, so we're excited to have an "average" baby for once. I think I have some pictures of Eva's fat rolls around here somewhere and I'll try to post those when I get a chance as well.
Bella is loving living at my parents' house. She loves all the time with Grandma and Grandpa and she especially loves having a yard to get dirty in. Her legs are covered in scrapes and bruises from scaling the keystone wall, tripping on the sidewalk when running in her flip flops, and falling down piles of dirt and gravel each day. I've never been more convinced that when we move to Spokane, we have got to get a house with a yard!
I'm in survival mode as a temporary 5-days-a-week single mom. We have a pretty good routine set so it hasn't been much of a disruption to move in with my parents (not to us at least - it's quite different for them though!). I am also enjoying having a yard again and even found myself out installing sprinklers the other day in the rain.
Andrew is the star of the show, once again. He's soaking up all his lectures and doing a stellar job of studying hard throughout the week so that he doesn't have to hit the books when he's home with us on the weekends. We went out for coffee last Saturday night and he spent a good half hour telling me all about how important the kidneys are and stuff about glomerular structures and nephrons and feedback loops and stuff like that and I just sat there in awe at how much he is learning so quickly. I've watched him work in jobs that required a strong back and an ability to care for others for the past 5 years, and so seeing his "academic" side again has been very fun and I am still wrapping my head around the fact that he will be essentially treating patients in a year when he starts his clinicals. I've heard people say that when you see another side of your spouse after 5 years it's usually not a good thing, but I am more impressed with him than ever (I'd say I'm more in love with him than ever too, but I don't want to get too mushy or anything). As sad as we are to see him go on Sundays, we are all so proud of what he is doing.
So that's our family update for now...I'll try to post some pictures as soon as I can! In fact, I'll head out to the car to get my camera right now...
1 comment:
Did my basement room make it to the new house? Can I move in too or just show up for dinner every night with a husband and two kids? I miss those Marcia summer salads!
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