Thursday, March 18, 2010

Little Chef

Bella loves helping me cook, so the other night we made rice krispy treats together.

The bandaid on her chin is from an unfortunate run-in with the radiator. Our Little Gymnast decided it would be a good idea to stand on the thermostat knob and managed to slip off, catching her lip between her teeth and the radiator. It bled a lot at first and I was afraid she'd cut straight through, but I cleaned it up and the bleeding stopped and we called it good. I will admit to a momentary freak out session of oh-dear-Andrew-is-in-class-and-that-is-a-LOT-of-blood-what-do-I-do?!?!?! But I grabbed the first aid kit and patched her up and it was okay. Andrew confirmed that it was just two separate cuts on either side of her lip when he got home. Thank goodness for a well-stocked first aid kit and a husband who can fix anything. :)

1 comment:

Josh and Shawna said...

Yikes! Been there. It is a scary feeling when you question whether or not they have cut through the lip. Glad to hear that everything turned out alright.