Thursday, February 3, 2011

Her words.

Eva has a very blossoming vocabulary. Here are some of the things that our little 20 month old says now.

"What doing?"

"Down/Up/More/Book/Blankie/Baby/Milk/Water, please"

"Thank you, ________ (Mama, Daddy, Bella)"

"Please, ________ (Mama, Daddy, Bella)"

"Yes Sir/Ma'am/Mama/Daddy"

"What's that?"

"No touch"

"I'm tired"

"Where's Daddy/Mama/Bella?"

"Bella" is also interchangeable with "Sister"

"All done"

"Bye bye!"

"Love you!"

"Scotty" tends to sound like "Cotty", and "Grandma/Grandpa" come out as "Papanee"

Her other words are buckle, hands, shoes, boots, dress, dance, pretty, excited, sorry, poopy, diaper, potty, brush, hair, pray, amen, bread, & Christ.

She also knows some friends' names, particularly Chloƫ, Harper, and Bess.

We really have to give at least half of the credit to Bella because she is constantly teaching Eva new words. She points things out to Eva (like a picture in a book, for example) and says, "Eva, that's a pig. Can you say 'pig', Eva?" and then they go back and forth saying "pig". Eva also learned her "Yes Ma'am/Sir" etc. from Bella, but as soon as we heard her saying it we held her to it and she's been doing wonderfully.

1 comment:

The Blakeys said...

She is so grown up. What a kid.

And I'm so honored that she knows my name. And my daughter's. I sure to do love that kid.