Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Our Son!!

We had our "big" ultrasound today - I really hate calling it the "gender ultrasound" because that's only a tiny bit of what it's all about, and if you've ever found out anything bad at a 20 week ultrasound you know that the main point is to make sure that there is a healthy, thriving baby in there. Getting a look between the legs and knowing whether to paint in pink or blue is just an added bonus. But I digress. :) So! At our BIG ultrasound today, we found out that our little one is growing like a weed and measuring a full week ahead! This is bigger than either of the girls ever were and maybe that's because "it" is a BOY! I was honestly shocked. At first glimpse I thought I saw girl, but then the tech moved the wand a bit and hello! that is definitely all boy! Totally shocked, but so so excited! As friends have already said, it serves me right for calling the poor guy a "she". :) So Little Man is growing well on all counts which is a huge relief to us. The only minor abnormality she could find were some small calcifications in his heart, but those usually go away before birth and aren't anything to worry about. But, we'll get another ultrasound in a couple of months just to make sure everything is good to go. Thanks again for ALL of your prayers - we are so excited to able to give such a positive update like this and are continually in awe that we have the blessing of being able to experience all of this again. God has been so good to us and we are so excited to meet our little man!

I forgot to mention - he had hiccups during the ultrasound and it was very fun seeing his little belly going up and down. :) He was also pretty active, but I'm still having a hard time feeling it all. Part of that is because the placenta is in front, masking some of the kicks and such. 

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