Thursday, June 7, 2012

Life with Three loads of fun! We're busy and still adjusting to life with a new little one, but I like to think we're doing pretty well. Yeah, we're usually 15 minutes late for everything, Eva's hair usually looks like she combed it with an electrified fork, Bella is usually still in jammies at noon, and Aaron and I usually have some bit of baby-vomit on our clothes (though we do make a point of changing into clean clothes before we head out of the house), but we're sleeping and eating and in good spirits, so I'll call it a win.

Bella graduated from Kindergarten 2 weeks ago! I have a first grader now. I *remember* first grade. It's just so strange. She managed to catch The Pink Eye at the very tail end of the school year and after a week of no significant improvement on the erythromycin ointment, we switched her to oral amoxicillin. A week later, she looked like this:
That was yesterday, and now she's looking a little bit better. So, no more amoxicillin for this little girl! She's been a trooper through it all though and has maintained her role as Mom's Helper which has been fantastic. When you have big kids so eager to help out, life with a newborn is much easier. :)

Eva turned 3 a few weeks ago! Yikes. And she is a very energetic and spastic 3-year-old. She'll make one mess and then run away gleefully laughing to create another one while I'm cleaning the first one up. She is an adorable copycat, trying to do everything that Bella does and refusing to recognize her 3 year old limitations. Sometimes I think they're closer in age, but then every once in a while Eva will say or do something that reminds me that she's still a toddler (pre-schooler?). Yesterday, we were in the car and Bella was saying that she thought Aaron had her eyes and Eva's lips and I was saying that I think it's the other way around when Eva interjected with, "No! I have my lips!! They're right here!"  She constantly tells us how much Aaron likes her and how he's smiling at her. As I write this, she's making him pretty by putting a little pink cloth on his head. Don't worry - I don't think he'll be too scarred. At least not as badly as Scotty was when I dressed him up in my princess dresses. Oh, and when Bella went on amoxicillin, Eva did too for her first ever ear infection. When it rains it pours. :)

Our little man turned 7 weeks old two days ago. I'm not sure where the time has gone. He's definitely no longer a newborn, but follows us with his eyes and smiles at our antics now. He has his 2 month check up next week, but based on the scale here at home he's already weighing in at a good 12 lbs. Which means he's half again as big as he was at birth - my little man isn't quite so little as he used to be! He's doing quite fantastically in every area - eating well, sleeping well, and just being an all around trooper who gets drug around to all of our activities. And, despite all the illnesses going around, he and I have managed to stay healthy - yay! Every once in a while though he needs a little bit of extra comfort and holding my hand to fall asleep does just the trick...

Andrew and I celebrated our 8th anniversary a little over a week ago! Wow, if I thought the last 7 weeks have flown by I really think the last 8 years have. So many fun things, and a few not quite so fun things too... When Aaron was a week old, Andrew had to run out and get some wipes at 9 o'clock at night (what a guy!). Without going into too much detail, I'll just say that there was a "delay" in his trip home that resulted in our insurance company deeming his car a total loss (everyone was okay, praise God!). So we had to go car shopping again, and we now have two SUVs (gas prices? what gas prices?!). Andrew got another 4Runner which he absolutely loves, and now we have two vehicles that can carry all 5 of us which I kind of like. Y'know, in case anything else goes wrong. ;)

There are also (hopefully) some more changes coming that have led me to scour craigslist for couches and bookcases, a lawnmower, patio furniture, and various other things needed in the transition from an apartment to a house with about 800 more square feet - yay! We're still early in the process, but hopefully we'll be able to share some exciting news and pictures soon.

So yeah, graduation, birthdays, anniversaries, antibiotics, a new car, and the prospect of moving fun. Life is full and life is good. God is kind. :)

1 comment:

Melissa Joy said...

I am praying for you Betsy! I loved reading updates on your kids. And will be eager to read what else God is doing with your family in the near future. :)