Thursday, February 7, 2013

Our Resident Moose

And no, I'm not talking about Aaron! We have a cow moose who likes to frequent our yard, mostly because of the stream that forms the back border. She visited 3 times one day a few weeks ago, but my camera battery was dead until the nighttime visitation, hence this horribly blurry and dark picture.

She was about 5 feet from our back window and didn't even notice the fence as she stepped over it into our yard. In the above picture, she's standing just downhill from the fence, so don't be deceived by her apparent size. That belly easily cleared the fence with inches to spare. If we lived out of town and Andrew had a moose tag, we would have a very full freezer right now. Does moose even taste good? I'm not really interested in finding out....

The artwork around here took a break from unicorns and dolphins for a few days afterward and we saw a lot of drawings like this:
I have been informed that even moose mommies and babies have antlers. This is one of the happier drawings, as the night before we saw some sketches that portrayed Andrew as the fierce hunter and the moose looking not quite so chipper.

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