Sunday, January 31, 2010

Eva the Growler

A few weeks ago we took the girls in to be pretend patients for the PA students to practice their well baby and well child exams on. There were about 12 other kids there (all the children of other PA students in Andrew's class) so that the students had a good range of ages to work with. We had Eva in the exam room with one of Andrew's classmates who was practicing the exam and one of his teachers, TJ, who was instructing/overseeing. When it came time to check the ears, TJ went to demonstrate how to do so. Eva apparently didn't like this idea so much because she gave TJ a great guttural growl. He moved back a bit and said, "Did she just growl at me? That was awesome!" Apparently she was the first baby who has growled at him in his 18 years of practice as a PA. And for the rest of the morning TJ carried Eva around trying to get her to growl for everyone.

The other day, Bella was looking through one of her animal books and asking what sounds all the animals make. She came to one of the animals (I can't recall which) and asked which sound it made and I told her it growled. Bella thought for a moment and then asked, "You mean it growls like babies?"

And, you can see some of the growling for yourself in the video I posted on here a few days ago. This kid is a hoot.

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