Wednesday, September 7, 2011

7 Weeks

Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords!
         For His mercy endures forever:
  To Him who alone does great wonders,
         For His mercy endures forever;
Psalm 136:3&4
We had our first ultrasound yesterday and everything looked wonderful! We could see Baby's heartbeat fluttering away at a very steady 135-140 beats per minute, and while she/he was measuring 2 or 3 days behind we're not too worried about that as there is a tiny bit of a question as to the accuracy of my dates. The ladies were extremely gracious and let us spend lots of time soaking in the beauty of that heartbeat, and then they even recorded and put it on continuous playback on the screen while we finished up the paperwork for the appointment. :) They also gave us a virtual stack of of pictures, though most of them just look like a blob of grey in a bigger blob of black. :) Babies are not usually very photogenic at this age. :) But here is a bunch of wavy black lines that show that our baby is alive and well!

You can kind of make out the circle at Baby's "feet" that is the yolk sac, but that's about it. We should be getting another ultrasound in about two weeks, so hopefully that one will show us a beautiful beating heart again and some cute arms and legs!

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us, and please keep it up! We're far from out of the woods! And even though yesterday was reassuring, I still have that lingering reminder that Amara's ultrasound would likely have looked just as good as this at 7 weeks. So please keep us in your prayers - pray that God would continue to shower us with mercy and blessings, that we would be calm and trust Him through all of this regardless of the outcome, and that we would be able to hold this baby in our arms, pink and screaming, come April.

1 comment:

Melissa Joy said...

I am thrilled to see your see #4's first photo shoot! Just lovely!
And I'm praying with you for lots of little pink-skinned screams in April!!