Monday, August 22, 2011

Cutting the Strings

You know how when two people are apart, time always seems to go by more quickly for the one who is "away"? Whether they're off at camp, or at a conference, or vacationing, the one in a new place always seems to get it easy. But when you're the one staying put, life can get a bit boring, and a little sad sometimes.

This morning, just a half an hour ago, we cut the apron strings. Bella went "away" to school, and Eva and I are staying put here at home. I'm sure Bella is already having a great time (especially since she gets to sit by her good buddy Ophelia), and Eva is actually already asleep, but I'm sitting here feeling a little, well, lonely! She's off learning the ropes of the classroom, and I'm here adjusting to these three hours at home without her. This is obviously a huge step in growing up for her, but I think it's also a big step for me in "mommyhood". I feel more like a mom today than I have any other day for the past six years. I have a child in school. Don't you have to be old to have a kid in school? Am I really old? Obviously I'm not that old (I suppose most people my age don't even have kids, let alone kindergarteners), but I definitely feel more "grown up". I can't even imagine what it will be like on the day that our youngest starts school, whenever that will be.

The stage of my life where I stayed home with all my kids all day long is now over, and I'm in the stage that involves carpooling, assemblies, parent teacher conferences, class plays, and pink slips for classroom disobedience. This will definitely take some getting used to. In the meantime, I think I'll go make some cookies or something for when Bella comes home.

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