Thursday, September 22, 2011

Worth It.

Here is a great little video that pretty much captures how I hope to feel in about 7 months.
I started my own injections two nights ago and they're going well - better than I think they did when I started them with Eva. For a run down on the injections and why I take them, go here.

As odd as it may seem, I was more on the verge of tears when I was picking up my heparin at the pharmacy than when we had our ultrasound on Monday. An easy explanation could be that I was totally prepared for the emotions associated with the ultrasound, while a trip to the pharmacy should just be a routine errand, but I forgot about what it meant - it meant I was carrying another little Becker inside of me. I don't know - maybe that was it. It could also be because I never got to the point of taking heparin with Amara, and it seems kind of like a milestone. We had planned to announce our pregnancy with Amara by posting a picture of my new medical alert necklace and saying that it was my new favorite piece of jewelry for the next 7 months, but instead I wrote this post.
Maybe the heparin is so "special" to me because it reminds me of my pregnancy with Eva which was just such a sweet time - we had tried for so long and were just over the moon ecstatic to have her preparing to enter into our lives. Heparin is also a twice daily proactive thing that I get to do to keep my babies (and myself, but more for the babies) healthy and give them a fighting chance. I have no doubt that the constant prayers are more helpful than the heparin could ever be, but it's nice to do something for them.

So yay for needles. :) And yay for getting to wear medical alert jewelry. And a super big yay for this tiny little thing growing inside of me who makes it all so very very worth it.


Abra said...

Well, *that* just looks like all kindsa fun. But I know what you mean. Being proactive helps. A friend who also has HG wrote up a list of our own funny "milestones". It's nice to be thankful for things that are not, in of themselves, enjoyable. Kids make it all worth it.

The Blakeys said...

This makes me happy. Praise God for this milestone, and praise God for the wonders of modern medicine. Yay for needles.

Melissa Joy said...

Call me hormonal, but now I'm crying like a baby. I've got a slideshow in my head, and once Baby is here Steven promises to help me put it together. I can't wait for that moment!
I take my sharps containers to the dump every month or so, so it's not like I keep a mountain on hand. ;) But oh man: this black & blue tummy is SO. GOING. TO. BE. WORTH. IT.
Love this, Betsy. Truly do.
And I want one of those necklaces too! I just have a little note in my wallet with all my drugs listed on it. Not nearly as fun. :)