Friday, April 6, 2012

Our [maybe not *quite* so] Big Boy

I had another ultrasound this morning at the hospital to check on Baby Aaron's size. This time, his head is only measuring 4 weeks ahead and the rest of him is measuring about a week ahead, so we're glad that he's a little more balanced in size overall and that his head is maybe not *quite* as big as it was looking last week. Everything else is looking great, though the placenta is definitely getting "mature".

I've been going in for non stress tests twice a week for the past two weeks now just to monitor his little heart rate throughout movement and a few contractions and everything is looking great! He's a very active little man and when he's resting his heart rate is down in the 130's but when he's awake and trying to escape it's way up in the 160's. It's nice to have these twice weekly reassurances that he's doing well! It's also nice to be visiting the Family Birth Center twice a week - it's helping me to remember that he is coming soon and that it is all real.

I had my 37 week appointment yesterday and things are definitely moving along which was a huge relief to me! I had progressed this far at 36 weeks with Eva and still ended up making it to my induction date 2 weeks later, so my progress doesn't necessarily mean that he'll be popping out anytime soon. But, it is nice to know that things are working in that direction and that if I do make it till the 16th the induction is likely to go as smoothly as my last two have. I'm all for making it half way there (or a third of the way, as I was as of yesterday) on my own before we go in!


The Blakeys said...

Hurray for progress!
And hurray for babies that aren't *too* horribly huge.

Melissa Joy said...

I am praying for you, Betsy. I can not wait to see this little boy's picture! I will be incredibly tempted to come visit you and cover him in thankful tears. God is good. Know that you will continue to be in my prayers...