Saturday, October 20, 2012

Aaron Man @ 6 months

Our Little Aaron Man is on the move. This kid is getting stuck everywhere - under tables, chairs, bouncy seats, and against walls and dressers. We don't leave him on the bed anymore, let alone anywhere within 15 feet of anything that could be troublesome (top of the stairs, for example). He greatly enjoys being able to roll his way to anything he wants, but he gets very upset when something like a wall gets in his way. Here he is, pleased with himself, right before realizing that he could go no further.
This started a few weeks ago and it reminded me of this post from when Bella was little. I was surprised to see that Aaron was doing it a full 2 months before Bella or Eva did! There are already wagers that he will be crawling by Christmas. Just this morning he was playing on the floor and got up on his hands and knees and started yelling and growling at the floor as if it was the floor's fault that he wasn't going anywhere. What a fighter. Things like this make me think he is growing up a little too quickly, so I'm always happy to be reminded of how "tiny" he still is. Sunday afternoon naps on the couch with Dad are one such reminder.

Last weekend I put him down on his blankets on the floor for a bit and his sisters decided that it looked like a fun place to be, so they brought over Curious George. This is definitely "one of those moments" when I look over at my kids sitting so sweetly and just enjoying being together and I get a little lump in my throat. Those are my babies, each so different but so delightful in their own way. Love 'em.

Little Man had his 6 month well baby visit on Thursday and seems to be doing fantastically. He's over 18 lbs now (62nd percentile), is 27 inches "tall" (72nd percentile), and has an 18" head that ranks in the 93rd percentile. Love my Monster Baby. 

Oh, and I forgot to mention! He's slept for 8-10 hours straight for 5 of the past 6 nights! Our fingers are crossed that this is not just a fluke... ;)

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