Thursday, May 21, 2015


Hey look! I have a blog still! Maybe I should update it sometime.....

Aaron turned 3 last month, Eva turned 6 yesterday, we're less than a week away from the end of school, and Daniel will be 1 next month. We're working, gardening, shepherding, feeding, cleaning, partying, studying, and pretty much just giving this last week our final "oomph" to finish strong. Summer will bring with it its own set of duties and things to keep up with, but we're looking forward to the change of pace and more time outside. This week the kids have taken up snake hunting, and it is the biggest motivator for finishing homework/meals so that they can get outside and search for garden snakes.

1 comment:

Melissa Joy said...

You are a way cooler mom than I am. We had a (fairly large for its type) garter snake on our porch a couple days ago and I would not let my kids touch it. I barely had the guts to be cheerful and "brave" while scooping it up in a shovel and putting it in a cardboard box to dump on the other side of the cow pasture! LOL. My kids would love a garden excursion with you though, let me tell you. I am way not cool.